Awards and Distinctions

New York Press Club, 2023 – The New York Times
“The Visions of Octavia Butler”

Deadline Club, 2023 – The New York Times
“The Visions of Octavia Butler”

SPD, 2021 Finalist in Page Design – The New York Times
“Black Surfers Reclaim Their Place On The Waves”

SPD, 2021 Finalist in Typography – The New York Times
“Carnival in Winter”

SPD, 2020 Finalist in Illustration – The New York Times
“17 Artists Capture a Surreal New York From Their Windows”

SPD, 2019 – The New York Times
Silver in Video Series – “Diary of a Song”

SPD, 2017 – The New York Times 
Gold in Page Design “Women Are Making the Best Rock Music”

International Center of Photography, 2015  – ICP Infinity Award, Fire in Cairo

The New York Times – Best Books of 2014 – Close Your Eyes

Phaidon, The Photobook: A History Volume III, 2014 – Self Publish, Be Naughty

Photo-eye, The Best Books of 2014 – Self Publish, Be Happy book club Vol. 6 

TIME’s best of 2012, The Photobooks We Loved – Self Publish, Be Happy book club Vol. I

The Guardian, Best photography books of 2012 – Self Publish, Be Happy book club Vol. I

Photo-eye, The Best Books of 2012 – Self Publish, Be Happy book club Vol. I & II

Communication Arts, 2012 Book Design – American Photography 27

Photo-eye, The Best Books of 2011 – Self Publish, Be Naughty

Canadian National Magazine Awards, 2009 – The Walrus
Gold – Art direction for a single magazine article – “Part One: A Legend Is Born”
Gold – Words + Pictures – “Our Faces, Our Selves” 

The Advertising & Design Club of Canada, 2009 – The Walrus
Silver – Art direction – Words + Pictures – “Our Faces, Our Selves”

Canadian National Magazine Awards, 2008 – The Walrus
Gold – Illustration – “God’s Slow Death” by Sam Weber
Gold – Portrait photography – “Miss Canadiana” by Robyn Cumming
Gold – Spot illustration – “Tank Talk” by Leif Parsons
Silver – Cover – “Lightness of Being (The Queen)” by Antonio de Luca
Silver – Still-life photography – “Digby Neck” by Russell Monk
Silver – Photojournalism and photo essay – “The Chinese Dust Bowl” by Benoit Aquin

The Prix Pictet, 2008 – The Walrus

The Advertising & Design Club of Canada, 2008 – The Walrus
Silver – Art direction for spread – “The Counterpart” by Petra Mrzyk & Jean-François Moriceau
Silver – Illustration – “Parallel Universe” by Graham Roumieu
Silver – Illustration – “Tunneling Through Time” by Chris Lee
Silver – Cover – “Lightness of Being (The Queen)” photographed by Chris Levine

The Advertising & Design Club of Canada, 2007 – The Walrus
Gold – Cover – “Grid Solution” by Ludimar Hermann
Gold – Illustration – “God’s Slow Death” by Sam Weber
Gold – Photojournalism – “The Last Lumberjacks” by Rita Leistner
Silver – Art direction for a single magazine article – “The Teenage Brain”
Silver – Art direction for a single magazine spread – “Red Rush”
Silver – Conceptual photography – “A House Half Built” by Liz Cowie
Silver – Conceptual photography – “Brighter Lights, Bigger Cities” by Eamon Mac Mahon
Silver – Illustration – “Her Dog” by Jillian Tamaki
Silver – Illustration – “My Cherry” by Marcos Chin
Silver – Illustration – “Snail Males” by Zoe Barcza
Silver – Portrait photography – “Alienated Cosmopolitans” by Robyn Cumming
Silver – Photojournalism – “Separate and Unequal” by Eamon Mac Mahon

Canadian National Magazine Awards, 2006 – The Walrus
Gold – Magazine of the year
Gold – Art direction for a single magazine article – “The Teenage Brain”
Gold – Art direction for an entire magazine issue – “Bird Flu Fever”
Gold – Magazine cover – “The Alberta Cash Cow”
Silver – Illustration – “Hijacking History” by Graham Roumieu

The Art Directors Club (NYC), 2006 – The Walrus
Silver – Photo illustration – “Waiting for the Pandemic” by Tamara Shopsin and Jason Fulford
Silver – Illustration – “Might Is Wrong” by Rinzen

The Advertising & Design Club of Canada, 2006 – The Walrus
Gold – Art direction for a single magazine article – “Waiting for the Pandemic”
Gold – Art direction for an entire magazine issue – “Bird Flu Fever”
Gold – Illustration – “Ephemera” by Leif Parsons

Canadian National Magazine Awards Foundation, 2005 – The Walrus
Gold – Art direction for a single magazine page or spread – “Totally Genius”
Gold – Illustration – “Dangerous Liaisons” by Jillian Tamaki
Gold – Words and pictures – “Al Rashad” by Rita Leistner and Joshua Knelman
Gold – Portrait photography – “Jew Funk” by Davida Nemeroff

Canadian National Magazine Awards Foundation, 2004 – The Walrus
Gold – Art direction for a single magazine page or spread – “Will Bush Win/Will Kerry Win?”
Gold – Spot illustration – “How to Save Democracy” by Leif Parsons
Gold – Words and pictures – “Inside a Different Kabul” by Ahmet Sel

The Advertising & Design Club of Canada, 2002 – Shift
Gold – Art direction for an entire magazine issue – “Culture Where Art Thou?”
Gold – Art direction for a single magazine page or spread – “Being John Lee”
Silver – Art direction for a single magazine article – “Unplugged, Seven Days with No Tech”
Silver – Art direction for a single magazine page or spread – “My Keyboard, My Wrists…”
Silver – Art direction for magazine cover – “Why Technology is Failing Us”
Silver – Portrait photography – “Green Innovators”
Silver – Portrait photography – “Shift’s 2002 Guide to Digital Education”
Silver – Photojournalism – “Rawshift: Freedom”

The Advertising & Design Club of Canada, 2001 – The Walrus
Gold – Design of a magazine cover – “When Dolphins Go Bad”
Gold – Design of a feature (spread), conceptual photography – “Picture Imperfect”

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